
If many lustful travelers have heard about Lychee and Longang, the noni fruit has become a real discovery for our compatriots. It is quite rare and very useful, it is actively used in folk medicine and cosmetology. What are the properties of this fruit? What are his secrets?

Interesting Facts

Noni is the fruit of an evergreen tropical plant called a citrusular or limonolithic morinda. The noni tree, like the fruits themselves, is called differently. The most common name is the “cheese tree”.

“Cheese tree” is found in Taiwan and Malaysia, in Thailand, Indonesia and Hawaii. The historical homeland of noni is South Asia. Now morinda is cultivated in many countries – it is easy to take care of, it perfectly suits in any conditions. She is not afraid of drought and parasites. During flowering, small white flowers appear on the branches of the morinda, which gradually turn into small greenish-yellow or yellowish-white fruits – those same noni.

Contrary to the widespread misconception, noni is not at all the fruit that delivers gastronomic pleasure to you. It tastes bitter and tart. Externally, you can take noni for a thick larva. And what fragrance produces this fruit! Europeans, who first get to know noni, seem to be holding a piece of thoroughly rotten cheese. However, the noni juice is incredibly useful, for the sake of it locals and researchers are ready to turn a blind eye to the “fads” and the very original taste qualities of the fruit.

Composition of noni

Noni is famous for its rich composition. No wonder this fruit is considered one of the most useful. It includes such irreplaceable for the organism mineral substances, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and so on. In noni quite a lot of B vitamins, vitamins C, A, E, pantothenic acid.

Moreover, the fruit of this exotic fruit contains glutamic, linoleic, aspartic and other acids. Quite a lot of bioactive substances, beneficial for the work of internal organs and systems. For example, proxeronin and damnacanthal prevent the activation and spread of cancer cells. Scientists have about 150 micronutrients included in the noni, each of which is extremely useful for human health.

Fruits of morinda contain proteins, fats, fiber and carbohydrates. If desired, they can be eaten, but it is unlikely that you will be able to assess their taste from the first time. Nevertheless, you can safely include noni in your diet, even if you adhere to a strict diet (100 grams of fruit contains about 40 kcal).

Useful noni properties

Local residents of countries where noni grows, from generation to generation, convey the secrets of using noni and a description of its medicinal properties. In ancient times, the people of Tahiti even took noni with them when they set out on a distant journey in order to grow noni in a new place – so valuable qualities, in their opinion, were the fruits of the monolithic morinda.

At the end of the 20th century, scientists from the United States scientifically proved that the fruits of morinda citrus and the juice that is made of them are incredibly useful for the body. What is their benefit?

In folk medicine all parts of the plant are used: leaves, fruits, seeds, roots and bark of a tree. They are made with infusions and various drinks, butter, spices and juice. The latter perfectly copes with migraine, strengthens immunity and is an effective preventive against gastrointestinal tract diseases.

In noni, many amino acids and antioxidants, which improve the body at the cellular level, help to combat the negative impact of the environment, the influence of free radicals. In addition, the substances contained in this plant, destroy harmful microbes, eliminate viruses and infections. Thanks to this, with strong pains in the throat, tonsillitis and various diseases of the respiratory tract make a solution of noni, which rinse the throat.

Noni improves the functioning of the circulatory system. If a person suffers from anemia, the fruits of noni will benefit him. Also, this exotic fruit is actively used for problems with the intestines and stomach. Folk remedies, which include noni, normalize the digestive system, help fight parasites and helminths.

Another invaluable property of noni is its effectiveness in the fight against cancer. The fruits of morinda not only prevent the appearance of malignant tumors, but also help alleviate the side effects that invariably arise during the course of chemotherapy.

Noni juice improves mood, stabilizes the emotional background, struggles with depression and anxiety. It is recommended to drink to young mothers who are in postnatal depression, people who have experienced a deep emotional shock.

The fruits of noni have a good effect on sexual life. They can increase libido, improve male potency. This fruit is used to treat and prevent diseases of the genitourinary system. It is believed that noni helps reduce pain in the early days of the menstrual cycle.

Allergic people should definitely try noni. Homemade preparations, which include this plant, are considered unusually effective in the fight against allergic reactions.

Finally, the gruel from the immature noni fruit allows the wounds to heal faster, relieves pain from burns, draws pus from deep inflamed wounds. Local residents use noni as a healing natural preparation, safe for health.

Purchase, storage and use

Despite the very specific taste and aroma of noni, it is an edible fruit. On some Pacific islands it is even considered one of the main sources of food. Fresh fruits of noni can be purchased from local residents of the countries where they grow. However, it should be remembered that the ripe fruits of noni should have a light yellow tint, their peel should not be green. If you have purchased an unripe fruit, do not be discouraged – leave it for several days at room temperature so that it ripens. Noni juice can be bought from the same local vendors, or you can try to make it yourself.

They are used not only in folk medicine, but also in cooking, in cosmetology. It is believed that the fruits of morinda help the skin to become smooth and get rid of premature wrinkles. Masks from noni have a rejuvenating effect, moisturize and nourish the skin.

The fruits of noni are added to national dishes. Also used are the leaves of the tree. For example, the leaves of noni are wrapped with fish and meat when baked. A rather aromatic tea is prepared from the leaves, which helps to cheer up and be charged with energy for the whole day.


The fruits of noni are not recommended for pregnant women, people with mental disorders, those with heart problems. This fruit affects the work of the central nervous system, so in the case of an “overdose” noni, the consequences may not be favorable.

Noni juice should be used with caution, in small doses. Unfortunately, this juice is often falsified, so if you feel nauseous, itching started and a rash appeared on the body – stop using it immediately.

Doctors do not recommend considering noni as an effective medicine even in spite of its long-term use in folk medicine. However, in our opinion, the reasonable use of fruit or juice of this fruit will not harm your body.

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