Blepharitis in Children

What is Blepharitis in Children?

Blepharitis in children is inflammation of the eyelid margin.
Types of blepharitis:

  • plain
  • scaly
  • ulcerative, etc.

Causes of Blepharitis in Children

There is no single cause of blepharitis. Parasitic diseases of the eyelids (for example, demodecosis), incorrectly corrected visual disturbances (for example, improper treatment of astigmatism), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, improper functioning of the meibomian glands, helminthic invasions, diabetes, adverse environmental factors, allergic diseases can cause this disease. and so on

Demodectic blepharitis is usually caused by an iron mite (scientific name Demodex folliculorum), which is a parasite. It lives in the sebaceous, meibomian glands, hair follicles (and, both in humans and in mammals). Outside the owner can be several days, if the ambient temperature is room temperature, and there is constant humidity. The child becomes infected through a household contact. About half of those who have reached the 60th anniversary are carriers of this tick.

Symptoms of Blepharitis in Children

The child may complain of itchy edge of the eyelids, which can be either slightly felt or very strong. The edge of the century is unnaturally red. There may be burning, tearing and foreign body sensation in the eye. Doctors during the examination reveal hyperemia and thickening of the edges of the eyelids. If a child has become infected with scaly blepharitis, small scales can be seen on the ciliary edge of the eyelid, under which the skin is reddened and thinned.

The ulcerative form of blepharitis is characterized by the formation of purulent crusts. You can remove them very hard, with their eyelashes fall out. After removal of the crust, the sore remains in that place, which bleeds in the vast majority of cases.

Demodectic blepharitis
In symptomatology, demodectic blepharitis in children proceeds similarly to simple or scaly. On examination, the doctor observes an increase in the eyelash bulb, dark color and translucent cylindrical sleeves at the root of the eyelashes. There can be telangiectasia – this is a persistent expansion of small vessels of the skin (telangiectasias have the appearance of a mesh or asterisks of vessels). Multiple papillomas and focal pigmentation between eyelashes are also likely.

Chronic blepharitis
May cause a drop in the child’s vision. Relapse is likely, for a long time, difficult to treat. The general state of health with chronic blepharitis in children is poor, any types of activity are reduced. Viral infections, staphylococcal infections, vitamin deficiency, allergies, dental problems, anemia, dust, wind, smoke, gastrointestinal diseases and so on can contribute to the development of this form of the disease.

Mebomiyevy blepharitis
In children, the symptoms have little resemblance to other forms. On the ciliary edge of the eyelid or on its upper part, small bubbles appear. They are the result of inflammation of the meibomian glands. When the bubbles burst, small dotted scars can be seen in their place, but not in all cases. Sometimes the bubbles deflate and disappear, leaving no traces.

Diagnosis of Blepharitis in Children

Diagnosis of blepharitis in a child is simple, this requires the establishment of a typical clinical picture and anamnesis. To find out the causes of the disease, you will need a general clinical examination of the child.

Demodectic blepharitis
To clarify the etiology of blepharitis, should be carried out microscopy of the drug, prepared from 4-6 epilated eyelashes. Usually one or two ticks are found on 16 eyelashes (take 4 eyelashes from each eyelid).

Treatment of Blepharitis in Children

Treatment of simple blepharitis

To prescribe the treatment of blepharitis, it is necessary to establish the causes of the disease by the methods described above. Physiotherapeutic methods such as UHF therapy, electrophoresis with solutions of antibiotics and vitamin C and group B, magnetic therapy, UV radiation, darsonvalization are used for treatment.

When blepharitis, a child is prescribed systemic vitamin therapy. Should follow a hypoallergenic diet. A child is recorded for a century of massage, especially when mebomievy blepharitis.

2-3 times a day, the edges of the eyelids should be treated with dyes and antiseptics:

  • ethyl alcohol with 70% solution;
  • brilliant green 1% alcohol solution;
  • tincture of calendula officinalis;
  • decoction of chamomile pharmacy (4 tablespoons. 200 milliliters of water).

After this treatment, the edges of the eyelids should be smeared with antibacterial ointments:

  1. erythromycin 1% ointment;
  2. tetracycline 1% ointment;
  3. ointments Oriprim-P and Ophtalmonem;
  4. Colbiotsin ointment.

Treatment of simple blepharitis is carried out with combined preparations containing glucocorticosteroids and an antibiotic: Maksitrol (ointment), Dex-gentamicin (ointment), Garazon (ointment).

If a child has ulcerative blepharitis, pust crusts must be removed before applying antibacterial ointment. To remove the crusts, they are previously softened with sterile petroleum jelly or lanolin.

Two or three times a day should be instilled antimicrobial agents in the conjunctival sac: miramistina 0.01% solution, picloxydin 0.05% solution, sulfacyl-sodium 10-20% solution, levomycetin 0.25% solution.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of simple blepharitis

To cure a child can only eliminate the cause of blepharitis. There is a threat of recurrence and chronic disease. Ulcerative blepharitis can cause abnormal growth of eyelashes, and very rarely can there be an abscess process.

Treatment of demodectic blepharitis

The skin of the face is treated with tar soap. Two or three times a day, the edges of the eyelid should be treated with dyes and antiseptics (a course is more than 3-4 weeks): with a solution of ethyl alcohol, green paint, calendula tincture. The same course and with the same frequency of the edges of the eyelids should be oiled, for example, with zinc-ichthyol ointment.

Also 2-3 times a day in the conjunctival sac should be instilled alkaline droplets.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of demodectic blepharitis

Long torpid current is characteristic. By reducing the reactivity of the organism, a relapse may occur.

Treatment of chronic blepharitis

Chronic blepharitis is treated very hard. Even when symptoms have gone away, treatment should continue for 1 month. Apply local and internal treatment. Refrain from self-treatment, as there are no universal cases of blepharitis, as well as universal recommendations for this disease. Concomitant infections should be cured. Topically, herbal compresses are used to treat blepharitis. Parents review the child’s lifestyle, minimizing or removing all allergens.

Meibomium blepharitis is treated with the drugs described above. Additionally, eyelid massage is necessary with a glass rod in the form of a scapula, after which the affected eyelid is smeared with green paint.

Prevention of Blepharitis in Children

Prevention of blepharitis includes compliance with the usual hygienic rules. For example, a child should use only his handkerchiefs and towels. Do not bring dirty hands to your eyes, much less rub your eyes. Do not use other people’s eye drops.

If someone in the family is sick or has had demodectic blepharitis, all his personal belongings should hang separately from other things and towels of other family members. You can not lie down on the pillow of an infected person even after his recovery.