Minerals that control metabolism

Magnesium is the most important mineral for metabolism, involved in the transfer of impulses in nerve cells, muscle contraction, the formation and growth of bones, and the regulation of blood pressure. Reduces the headache with migraine, reduces the risk of heart attack, because it prevents spasms of blood vessels throughout the body, especially spasms of the coronary arteries. In the brain, magnesium participates in the development of mood-regulating chemicals, for example dopamine, which controls appetite. Magnesium helps to prevent the emergence of irritated mood and depression, which often appear with PMS, perimenopause and excess weight. This element is required for some B vitamins as a catalyst for chemical processes. Magnesium is involved in the creation of protein, necessary for the growth and recovery of muscles and tissues. It is also needed to free energy.

The intake of the optimal amount of magnesium and zinc in the body along with deep uniform breathing increases the flow of oxygen to the tissues, which contributes to more efficient burning of fats. Magnesium is necessary to prevent the effects of free radicals. The low level of this element is associated with the accumulation of free radicals and the acceleration of the aging process. Taking enough magnesium protects you from diabetes. That is, this mineral is extremely necessary if you are trying to lose weight.

Magnesium and estrogen. Estrogen promotes absorption of magnesium by soft tissues and bones, which also helps prevent heart disease and blurring of bone tissue in women, when the level of estrogen and magnesium in the body is exactly balanced. With a decrease in estrogen, the body loses its ability to absorb magnesium in sufficient quantities, leading to typical estrogen deficiency disorders: high blood pressure, weight gain, bone loss, migraine, insulin resistance and an increased risk of heart disease.

You should remember: if you take estrogen, and the amount of magnesium entering your body is not enough, then estrogen will transfer magnesium into soft tissues and bones, and the magnesium content in the blood will drop dramatically. This can cause not only muscle spasms, but also the risk of blood clots, because an elevated level of calcium and magnesium contribute to blood clotting. Therefore, if you are taking calcium and estrogen, take care of the daily intake of magnesium.

Magnesium “robbers”. Low levels of magnesium in women are observed for several reasons. Soft drinks prevent the absorption of magnesium and calcium, because the phosphate and phosphoric acid contained in these drinks bind magnesium and calcium and render them insoluble. Glutamate and aspartate, added to soft drinks, also increase the body’s need for magnesium.

The lack of magnesium causes excessive coffee consumption, elevated levels of catecholamine (for example, due to stimulant drugs) and glucocorticoid (drugs with cortisone, stress).

The optimum amount of magnesium. The average woman consumes about 100-200 mg of magnesium per day, while the daily intake is 400-600 mg. A side effect of a balanced amount of estradiol and magnesium is that women finally get rid of a strong addiction to chocolate, which drove me crazy.

The intake of magnesium and calcium 2 times a day provides them with improved absorption and a more stable amount for all 24 hours. The amount of calcium taken in the mornings and evenings should be twice the amount of magnesium, and you should not forget to take calcium and in the middle of the day, during lunch. The optimal balance of the calcium and magnesium intake can be represented by the ratio 2: 1.

Nutritionists recommend capsules with easily absorbed magnesium powder. Since, magnesium in the form of solid tablets is absorbed poorly. There are many good drugs, and you should choose the best for yourself and take it daily. Perhaps you are more suited to the liquid form of magnesium, because it is less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctors often do not take into account the importance of magnesium and do not give it due in the treatment of obesity, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, PMS, headache, hypertension, depression, anxiety and other problems that overwhelm us in middle age.


Zinc is also necessary in the process of growth and restoration of tissues, like protein. Zinc has a special effect on the brain and the nervous system. It plays an important role in the synthesis of protein and DNA, contributes to the regulation of sugar in the blood and the formation of healthy collagen (in the skin and connective tissues), affects the normal functioning of the nervous system. Zinc is necessary for ovarian function, promotes the functioning of 20 enzymes, insulin, helps the correct distribution of vitamin A, and participates in the healing of wounds. Reduces pain.

One of the reasons why many women do not get enough zinc is that we reduced the consumption of zinc-rich animal food. In many plants, for example cereals, the zinc content has decreased due to soil depletion caused by modern agricultural methods. Zinc is also lost in the purification and preparation of products. In addition, the amount of zinc in a plant depends on the amount of phytate, a chemical compound that prevents the absorption of the most important minerals – calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

Zinc sources are animal food and seafood. Non-grinded grains belong to plant sources. Very rich in zinc pumpkin seeds. Adults are recommended to take 15 mg daily. Usually two servings per day of low-fat meat is enough. Vegetarians are more likely to suffer from a lack of zinc, especially if they consume a lot of soy products as the main source of protein. Soy beans have the highest phytate content compared to cereals and other leguminous crops. Soybeans are extremely unreceptive to prolonged cooking, stewing and frying, which are used to reduce the amount of phytate and, consequently, improve the absorption of the body’s most important minerals. Only prolonged fermentation can significantly reduce the level of phytate in soybeans. Therefore, if you are a vegetarian and the main source of protein for you is soy food, you may experience deficiency of the most essential minerals, unless you, of course, take special supplements.

If you believe that your body lacks zinc, then its safe dose is 10-25 mcg per day. Zinc supplements can be in the form of arginate, picolinate or citrate. Be careful when taking zinc, because in large doses, it can cause harm – to prevent the absorption of copper into the intestinal wall. Therefore, your multivitamin preparation should contain 1.5-3 mg of copper. Copper and zinc should be taken at different times of the day. Nutritionists are advised to take copper in the morning, and zinc – in the evening.

The absorption of zinc by the body depends on a sufficient amount of tryptophan and vitamin B6 in the body. The lack of one of them causes a violation of zinc absorption. Additives with chromium contribute to the absorption of zinc and maintain a stable level of glucose throughout the day. Modern experiments have shown that taking 200 μg of chromium 1-2 times a day has no side effects. Higher doses can be toxic, so do not overdo it. If you have excess weight and intolerance to glucose, the supplement with chromium and zinc can be an essential adjuvant in treatment along with hormonal balance and proper nutrition.


Manganese is another mineral, the importance of which is often forgotten. Lack of manganese is associated with the occurrence of osteoporosis, chronic depression and pain, violations of the stability of the amount of sugar in the blood and allergies. Manganese participates in the enzymes necessary for absorption of vitamins B, E and C, as well as in the process of metabolism, regulation of glucose level and the functioning of the immune system. Manganese is needed for the production of the hormone T4 (thyroxine) in the thyroid gland, to control the pituitary gland, the regulation of pain and mood. In addition, this mineral is a part of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (FSD), which controls the appearance of free radicals during metabolism at the cellular level. FSD helps prevent the accumulation of superoxide free radicals that destroy cells.

The often occurring deficiency of manganese in our diet can be explained by the following reasons: this mineral is absent in the soil; we eat foods that are high in simple sugars, fiber and soy, which contain phytates that bind manganese and prevent it from being absorbed by the body. In carbonated drinks there is phosphorus, which also complicates the absorption of manganese. Elevated levels of calcium and iron also adversely affect the absorption of manganese.

Vegetable food contains rich stocks of manganese: nuts, cereals, raisins, spinach, carrots, broccoli, green peas, oranges, apples, tea leaves, wheat germ. In the white flour obtained from wheat, manganese is almost completely absent, it is also absent in white flour grades marked with an enrichment mark. Every day the body loses about 4 mg of manganese, which must be restored with high-quality food or with the help of additives. A sufficient amount of manganese will enter your body with the intake of good multivitamin preparations and the food enriched with this element. If the complex of your vitamins includes manganese, then it is not necessary to take a separate supplement with this mineral.

Strong bones and weight loss


We know that calcium is needed for bones, but it also plays an important role in metabolism, mood regulation, sleep and muscle functioning. It becomes sad when there is so much talk about calcium, and the daily intake of calcium by an average woman is only 450 mg. Low calcium levels make it difficult to lose weight. A woman in the premenopausal period should take 1000-1200 mg of calcium daily, and during the postmenopause, if she does not drink estrogen, 1500 mg.

Reducing the consumption of dairy products for the sake of getting rid of excess weight greatly reduces the amount of calcium in the body. We not only exclude the main source of calcium from the diet, but also drink carbonated drinks, which contain phosphates, which interfere with the absorption of calcium. Dairy products are the richest source of calcium. In vegetables, calcium is much less, in addition, the fiber reduces the amount of calcium absorbed. If you do not consume dairy products, you need to take supplements with calcium.

Vitamins and minerals for strong bones

Mineral – Act – A source – Daily dose

Magnesium – It is necessary for the formation and growth of bones, muscle contractions, regulation of blood pressure – Flakes with bran, beans, brown rice, nuts, spinach, seafood, wholemeal bread – 400-600 mg
Zinc – Participates in the synthesis of proteins and DNA, it is necessary for tissue growth, regulation of sugar in the blood and the formation of collagen – Products of animal origin, seafood and whole grains – 10-25 mg
Manganese – It plays a role in the utilization of vitamins B, E and C, energy metabolism, regulation of glucose level, formation of T4, as well as in the processes of immune defense – Nuts, whole grains, raisins, spinach, broccoli, carrots, peas, oranges, apples, tea leaves, wheat bran – The content in multivitamin preparations should be significant
Calcium – Important for normal muscle function, bone growth and health, is involved in sleep regulation – Dairy products, greens, broccoli, calcium fortified fruit juices – 1000-1200 mg before menopause 1500 mg after menopause (if you do not take estrogens)
Vitamin D – Provides absorption of calcium in the intestines, regulates its secretion by the kidneys, helps prevent osteoporosis and frequent fractures – Milk, eggs, fish, vitaminized flakes – 400 international units
Bor – Important for the health of the bone system, reduces the secretion of calcium and magnesium – Vegetables, such as green peppers and tomatoes – The content in multivitamin preparations should be significant

Nutritionists are not advised to take calcium preparations based on shells of oysters or dolomite. They found toxic metals – lead, mercury and arsenic. Calcium citrate is advertised as well absorbed by the body, but studies of this have not yet confirmed. Since the calcium citrate tablet contains a small amount of this substance, you must take several tablets daily. You can also take a tamza that is easily digested and carried by the body. It does not contain aluminum, so it can be safely taken every day. It is inexpensive, and it’s easy to carry in your purse, so not taking calcium will be an unforgivable mistake on your part.

The degree of calcium absorption can be checked by analyzing the daily urine. Analysis is necessary if you do not respond to bone restoration (medications, exercises, hormones and supplements) or if the results of other tests suggest too much bone loss. After carrying out this analysis, two things are pointed out. The first – a low level of calcium in the urine indicates a violation of calcium absorption. In this case, you need to eat more foods with calcium content, or take estradiol to facilitate its assimilation, or to undergo additional tests. The second – too high a level of calcium in the urine indicates that the body loses more calcium than absorbs. This is often found in women with an insufficient amount of estradiol.

Vitamin D

Deficiency of vitamin D is much more common than previously thought. Studies conducted in 1999 showed that half of the women placed in the Boston hospital from 1995 to 1998 with a hip fracture were deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D levels were lower than 30 nmol / l. Researchers have suggested that restoring a normal vitamin D level will reduce the risk of fractures and help to cure the hip fractures that have already been healed.

Make sure you get at least 400 units of vitamin D daily, and if you have already lost enough weight, ask your doctor to check the blood level of vitamin D to make sure that you do not experience a deficit in it. After all, a lack of vitamin D is the cause of osteoporosis and frequent fractures of bones.


Boron is a mineral that is responsible for the metabolism of bones and helps to reduce the release of calcium and magnesium. It is found in many vegetables, such as green peppers and tomatoes. Make sure that boron is present in your multivitamins. However, excess boron is also harmful, so it is important that the total amount of boron contained in your additives does not exceed the established rate.

So, it’s important not to forget about taking minerals. Recall that women experiencing problems with the hormonal background and bone damage, it is necessary to take the following minerals: magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, manganese and boron. These minerals play a decisive role, like cofactors and catalysts in bone building, sleep regulation, pain sensations and mood swings, and are also responsible for the health and recovery of muscles. These minerals, of course, are important for us, but it is absolutely not necessary to take the most expensive capsules, because conventional tablets are quite suitable, although in this case, the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Then you should go to the liquid form.

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